Vishuddhi Chakra
Vushuddhi the throat Chakra, the Purifiacation center. At this level of consciousness we start to realize the oneness of all things. There is no more sense to categorized or divide things as good or bad, right or wrong, past or future. At this level of consciousness there no more ego, no more mind in the sense of the limited thinking mind. Thing are and we realize that, that is the way it have to be because there is no other way it can be in the moment. If we understand the moment as being the expression of the eternal at this moment then we start to realize the Infiniti of it. We don�y react to life we act with it. One begins to see sense and intelligence behind all thing and action. Vishudhi is the gateway to liberation. One become companionate , peaceful and full of bliss.
Jnana yoga by it discriminative practice is a wonderful way to give us insight into the nature of the Self, practice like jalandhara bandha, vipareeta karani mudra, paweenee mudra will be accessory tools of great help also.
Vishuddhi represents a state of openness in which life is regarded as the provider of experiences that lead to greater understanding…there is a flowing with life, allowing things to happen in the way that they must…both poison and nectar are consumed in vishudhi chakra ,and they are understood to be part of a greater cosmic whole. Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Meaning: Purification center. Also call center of nectar and center of speech.
Location: Throat.
Endocrine relationship: thyroid gland
Tatva(element): Akasha,Ether (maintain the etheric background in the body, timing to all spatial vibration, the subtl etheric vibration is the screen on which the image of the body and all nature is projected)
Sens: hearing
Kolor: purple
Kosha: Vijnamaya
psychic experience: feeling of cold and drop of nectar
Sound vibration: rumbling ocean
Attributes: here all part of existence merge, concept of good and bad disappear, one become open to all experience. We don’y react to life we act with it. One begin to see sens and intelligence behind all thing and action. Vishudhi is the gateway to liberation. One become compationate , peacefull and full of bliss.
Ewald Berkers 2003 - 2006
The Throat chakra is about self-expression and talking. When it is open, you have no problems expressing yourself, and you might be doing so as an artist. When this chakra is under-active, you tend not to speak much, and you probably are introverted and shy. Not speaking the truth may block this chakra.
If this chakra is over-active, you tend to speak too much, usually to domineer and keep people at a distance. You're a bad listener if this is the case.
Guna :sattva (prakhya - vivacity, illumination, mental clarity and serenity).
Desire: Knowledge.
Symbol: White Circle (Lunar Circle - Pure Cosmic Sound) surrounded by 16 Purple-Gray Petals. Drop of nectar from bindu.
Mantra: Repetition of Bijan Mantra-ham. Each petal has a Sanskrit letter (am, amm, im, im, um, uum, rim, reem, lrim, lreem, em, aim, om, aum, am, and ah). These Mantras go straight to the voice. The speaker's words go straight to the Heart
Lalana chakra is a minor chakra located in the roof of the palate in the back of the mouth. It is were the nectar from bindu divide into either divine or poisonous depending on the openig of vishudi.
Deities: Panchavaktra Shiva - The Great Teacher, Eternal Knowledge, Balance and Non-Duality. Shakini Shakti - Bestower of Higher Knowledge and Powers. Memory, Will, Intuition and Improvisation.
Animal:Gaja the Elephant - Carrier of the Bija Mantra-Ham. Confidence, Hearing and In Tune with Nature.

