Swadishthana is the second chakra represented by the water element. 55 to 75 percent of our body is made of water. This chakra is situated at the coccyx region close to our sexual organ. The energy at work here is the sens, the desire, senxual satisfaction. Sens flow like water in our body. The sens of taste, touch, smell, hearing, and sight all of them need to be balance. So when we are unbalance we have tendency to overeat, we desire to buy this and that, too much or too little sexually oriented etc etc. The energy need to flow like water, so any excess or insufficiency shows unbalance Chakra. Be aware of your senses; is the music in the car too loud? Is your appetite balance or are you always eating here and there. Do you feel the need to go and by things that you don�t really need all the time? Is your sexual life balance and understood.
The Yama and Niyama of Raja Yoga are certainly a precious tool for the balancing of this Chakra. Pranayama, asanas, mudras, bandhas are also great tools. Mantra are very good helps too, they will keep you focus getting you out of the sensual pull. Whenever you feel the senses getting in the way repeat your mantra or the mantra Om at loud or in your head until the senses is past you will see the result. An important thing here do not suppress your senses or desire, try to look at them understand their source. Are they in control of you or are you using them to enjoy your life.
“If the sadhaka understand that desire can never be satisfied in thousand lifetimes, then kundalini can pass through swadhistana relatively fast” Swami Satyananda Saraswati
• Meaning: Dwelling Place of the Self.
• Tatva(element):Apanas,Water (sustain the atoms of all watery substances in the body)
• Location: coccyx.
• Endocrine relationship: testes, ovaries
• Sens: taste
• Color: orange red
• Kosha: pranamaya
• Psychic experience: total darkness, unconscious
• Sound vibration: musical sound of flute
“The Sacral chakra is about feeling and sexuality. When it is open, your feelings flow freely, and are expressed without you being over-emotional. You are open to intimacy and you can be passionate and lively. You have no problems dealing with your sexuality.
If you tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face," the Sacral chakra is under-active. You're not very open to people.If this chakra is over-active, you tend to be emotional all the time. You'll feel emotionally attached to people and you can be very sexual.”Ewald Berkers
“Some of you may feel that you have element of your personality which you are unable to
understand by yourself, or that things your inner being is devided rather then united, or
that thing you do are not consistent with the thing you say. These are indication of
unstable activity in the swadhisthana.” Hiroshi motomoya
• Guna: tamas (sthiti - inert, punged into a state of repose and torpo.)
• desire: family, procreation, sexual urges, fantasies.
• Symbol: Blue Crescent Moon, surrounded by 6 Red Petals and Water encircling the Earth.
• Mantra: Repetition of Bijan Mantra-vam, removes insecurities associated with this Chakra. Petal Sanskrit letter (bam, bham, mam, yam, lam and ram).
• Deities: Vishnu - The Preserver Embodiment of Right Living.
Rakini Shakti - Inspiration to Worldly Art and Music.
Animal:Crocodile - Vehicle of the Bija. Mantra-Vam. Sensuous and Tricky.

